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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women's Day 2024

Posted by Vanessa Marshall on

ARTWORK BY TRISTEN JENNI  to help raise awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Discover the beautiful art of Tristen Jenni here.

Today, on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women's Day, we pause to honour and remember the lives of those who have been tragically taken from us. As an Indigenous-owned business, this day holds profound significance for us, not just as a company but as members of Indigenous communities across Canada and North America.

It's a day to reflect on the past and acknowledge the progress we've made in having our voices heard and the stories of our sisters, mothers, grandmothers,  aunties and daughters more widely known, but also to recognize that there's still so much work to be done. The injustices faced by Indigenous peoples, particularly Indigenous women, are overwhelmingly common and have deeply affected generations. Despite efforts to raise awareness and demand justice, the reality is that many families are still waiting for answers and accountability.

As the women behind Jack59, we stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities and will continue advocating for justice, healing, and empowerment. We believe in listening to and amplifying Indigenous voices, supporting Indigenous-led initiatives, and creating spaces where Indigenous culture and knowledge are celebrated and honoured.

“There is no concept of justice in Cree culture. The nearest word is kintohpatatin, which loosely translates to "you've been listened to." But kintohpatatin is richer than justice - really it means you've been listened to by someone compassionate and fair, and your needs will be taken seriously.” ― Edmund Metatawabin, Up Ghost River: A Chief's Journey Through the Turbulent Waters of Native History

It's difficult to be another brand using words to express our values on social media, knowing how common it is to see corporations speak on social justice issues that they have little to no intention on standing up for in the real world. We also acknowledge that words alone are not enough. We are committed to taking meaningful action, whether it's through supporting organizations that provide resources and support to Indigenous women and families, or by actively working to create a workplace that is inclusive, supportive, and respectful of Indigenous values and traditions.

Today, and every day, let's remember those we've lost, honour their memory, and recommit ourselves to the fight for justice and equality. We encourage you to listen to stories of MMIWG, learn about the systemic social, cultural, and institutional causes that have fostered violence toward Indigenous Women and Girls and have conversations in your communities – today and moving forward. Together, we can create a future where Indigenous women are valued, respected, and safe. There is a time on the horizon where Indigenous families can actively start pursuing healing as their loved ones are recovered, justice is served, and their stories become known.

For more information and resources on MMIWG visit https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/.

#MMIWG #MissingandMurderedIndigenousWomen #JusticeForMMIWG #IndigenousRights #SupportIndigenousCommunities


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